Friday, March 30, 2012

RAISERROR Behavior Question

I have a RAISERROR statement being displayed to the screen prior to a print statement, however the print statement was executed before the RAISERROR statement. Why would this happen? The print statement is not part of any conditional logic. It is executed sequentially followed by an IF statement that generates the RAISERROR.

Step 1. Loop through all Databases and dynamically run DBCC ShowContig
Step 2. End the loop and Print "SCANNING COMPLETED"
Step 3. Declare Cursor to read DBCC ShowContig results
Step 4. Check current time to see if it is ok to continue processing
If it is NOT ok, RAISERROR
Else begin DBReindex process
Step 5. Close and Deallocate Cursor

If I replace RAISERROR with a print statement, everything prints in order. What gives?

DaveIf you post the code it would be easier to find solution. However, If you are not saving the value of @.@.error in a variable it resets to Zero when you go back to check it again .

In other words You should

Declare @.err int
And while checking @.@.error use Select @.err = @.@.error and then check @.err value which will stay stored . I am not sure if this is what you needed to know .. Like I said , code posting might help|||The logic itself works fine so posting the code most likely won't help. The RAISERROR is generated after a conditional statement checking the length of a local variable. There is no need to check @.@.ERROR at that time. The only issue is why a RAISERROR gets sent to the screen before a print statement when the print statement executed first. I was told a few hours ago that Print statements are first sent to the buffer and its possible a RAISERROR does not hit the buffer. That may explain why it appears first.

Thanks, Dave|||what's the severity level and state values? i've experimented for a couple of minutes with different severity levels including 20 and up, at which point the print statement does not get displayed at all.|||Raiserror ("My error message", 16, 1) with log

Dave|||i put print 'test' before your raiserror and got this:

Server: Msg 50000, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
My error message|||I'll be testing all of the error routines again this week. Once I recreate the issue I'll see if the code is small enough to post.

Thanks, Dave

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