Monday, February 20, 2012

Questions on triggers and when they fire...

I have a stored proc that does something like 'Update table1 set a =
where c = 'd''
That works fine, no probs and updates multiple records in table1.
The problem I have is with the Update trigger. It only seems to fire
(right at the end), regardless of how many rows the stored procedure
The only way around it that I can see is to only update one row at a
time in
the table and then the update trigger will work OK - which seems a bit
to me.
How can I get the Update trigger to fire for each row that is updated?
"How can I get the Update trigger to fire for each row that is updated?
-Short answer, you can=B4t. Triggers will fire on a statement basis NOT
on a row basis. Therefore all affected rows by the statement are
available in the inserted and deleted tables. You have to implement
setbased solution to handle all rows. If you execute a stored procedure
for each row you have to loop through the resultset (with using a temp
table or a (but not recommandable) cursor.
ON SomeTable
UPDATE SomeOtherTable
SET SomeColumn =3D INSERTED.SomeColumn
FROm SomeOtherTable
ON WSomeOtherTable.IDColumntoJoin =3D INSERTED.IDColumntoJoin
HTH, jens Suessmeyer.
|||On 13 Jan 2006 03:03:23 -0800, Jens wrote:

>"How can I get the Update trigger to fire for each row that is updated?
>-Short answer, you cant. Triggers will fire on a statement basis NOT
>on a row basis. Therefore all affected rows by the statement are
>available in the inserted and deleted tables. You have to implement
>setbased solution to handle all rows. If you execute a stored procedure
>for each row you have to loop through the resultset (with using a temp
>table or a (but not recommandable) cursor.
Hi Jens,
Much better suggestions for such a case are:
(Preferred) Rewrite the stored procedure's logic to set-based query and
insert that query in the trigger code.
(Or, in rare conditions) Rewrite the stored procedure to a set-based
procedure; have the trigger call this procedure after copying data from
inserted and deleted into temp tables.
Hugo Kornelis, SQL Server MVP

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