Monday, February 20, 2012

Questions that need answer.

Can any one help me with this questions?
1 - Does NS always create a table where it stores the data that checks?
2 - Can I store the alerts to a table? Is yes, how?
3 - How many delivery channel exist?
4 - Can multiple application have more than one subscription event rule?


Ricardo Carvalho

Hi Ricardo -

With regards to your questions:

1) When you create an SQLNS instance, a number of underlying database objects (tables, views, sprocs, etc) are created to support the instance. You can have those objects created in a new database or in an existing database. The same goes for each application that you have associated with an instance. Check out the sample applications.

2) The way SQLNS works (the big picture) is that subscribers ask to receive notifications for specific items. Events enter the system through event providers. The generator periodically matches the events that have entered the system with the subscriptions to produce notifications. Those are stored in a table awaiting processing by the distributor. The distributor formats the notifications, providing any needed aggregation, and hands it off to the delivery channel.

3) Two delivery channels come built-in, the file channel and the smtp channel. If neither of these satisfies your requirements, you can build your own using the API.

4) Sure.

I'd encourage you to go through the walk-through sample application that comes with SQLNS and see if that clears up some things.




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