Monday, February 20, 2012

Questions to the Microsoft guys about the custom assembly

Hi Guys,

I created a custom assemy and added a reference to it in my report, but when I built the report, it told me that the system could not find the file. I followed the steps in the MSDN when I did the above steps. Can anybody tell me why?

Another question is about the location of the assmbly that I should copy. In the Debugging Custom Assemblie chapter on MSDN, it tells to copy my assembly to

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\Binn\VSShell\Common7\IDE.

But in Deploying a Custom Assembly chapter, it tells me to copy it to

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies.

Can Microsoft guys tell me which is correct?

Thanks in advance.


C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies is the correct location for the report designer in BI Development Studio.

-- Robert


Hi Robert,

Thank you very much for your answer. My another question is I can only refer to my custom assembly when I use strong name for the assembly and put it into GAC. Or else, the report designer just told me that the file or its dependecies counld not be found. But put the assembly into the GAC means I cannot debug my assembly. Could you give me some tips on this? (I followed all the steps I could find on the MSDN)

Thanks in advance.


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